Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Think Spring

We are getting closer to Spring! Thank Goodness! At Hannah's school they are celebrating the 100 days of school.
Plans from now to Spring: Not in order
Valentine Pictures of the girls
Enroll Gabrielle in the full day kindergarten
Father/daughter dance
Girl Scout cookies delivery and booth sales 1st year
Kings Island for family vacation
My weight loss will be a daily task
Furniture buying- living room couch and curtains and lamp to match
Dentist, Vision, and Doctor visits for everybody
Swimming lessons for Hannah and Gabrielle
Soccer for Hannah and Gabrielle
Turn holey jeans into capris...maybe
Schedule mommy time and mommy and daddy time...when???
I know there is more but you get the idea.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Out of the Crib

O Help Me NOW!!! Thats what I was thinking. I've been through this before but not by choice but because there was another baby coming. This time around I don't have that situation. Instead I took my time and this is the second time that I took the crib off. The first time it didn't work out. Leia wanted her bed back, she would cry till she was put back in it. This time, the ease was a lot better. During Christmas she didn't have her crib for three days so that might have helped.

She lines her babies all up on her bed and sometimes covers them up and she's right beside them. This is what she does when Im not beisde her helping her go to sleep. Last week we let Leia fall asleep with us then carry her to her room. This week she has been in her room while she falls asleep and Daddy or I will go and sleep in her bed and sneak out when we think she's sleeping. Twice she has went to sleep by herself with her babies. So this journey has been very good.
Her older sisters never stayed in their room so I always used the baby gate. Leia has been so good that I havent had to use the gate. She actually stays in bed!!! Well except for nap time, once I've used the gate. There is no more nap time. But she plays quitely. Goal- Take a picture while she is sleeping and a picture of her babies lined up. Coming

Pictures from the Bake Off

Saturday, January 10, 2009

All about Hannah

Yesterday Hannah came home and she told me she got her report card. I can't believe how well she is doing..well I can because I've got a letter from the township saying they are considering her for the high ability program. Hannah's teacher also confirms all the time that she is one of the smartest in her class. After I look at her report card I look at the school's newsletter and there it was...the Honor Roll list!!!!! Hannah was on it!!! That was so exciting. I want my bumper sticker, My Child is a Honor Roll student!!! LOL

Last night was Hannah's Girl Scout Bake off. She made the dessert all be herself, with a tad bit of help called White Chocolate Suprise with the new cookie Dulce de Lache. The bake off is supposed to be done as a troop by our troop didnt want to give up their Friday night, oh well. They had games, and face paintings and tatoos and then a performance from the Dancers of the townships high school. They also had a cookie stacking contest and afterwards they named the winner of the bake off. I don't know how many was entered but the winner was Hannah's cousins troop. In my opinion Hannah should of won. I have reasons why I say that but don't want to blog about it. lol Hannah got her Bake off badge and everyone tasted her creation! That was a fun night!!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy 2009

We didn't do much but we did spend it together. Our Family went to my husband's parents and spent the day over there on New Year's Eve. I know we can't make it to midnight so we stayed as long as we could. We played several games of dominos. I've never played it before and I thought it was a boring game but it was very simple and alot of fun for the girls to play.
I DVRed all of the countdown shows bc I never stay awake till midnight but my husband did and he woke me and we kissed and I went back to sleep.

New Years we had dinner with more family and had a fish fry get together. The girls/women played Uno and the men played card games.

Last night we had a very special dinner with my inlaws and had sparkling grape juice and used my mother inlaws china. She said she had to have it for a dinner party but then decided to use paper plates and she hasn't used that set yet wanted to use it, so she made a special dinner just to use the china. lol

New Years Resolution: Make more friends and/or get closer to the ones I already have. Read more books.