Thursday, January 15, 2009

Out of the Crib

O Help Me NOW!!! Thats what I was thinking. I've been through this before but not by choice but because there was another baby coming. This time around I don't have that situation. Instead I took my time and this is the second time that I took the crib off. The first time it didn't work out. Leia wanted her bed back, she would cry till she was put back in it. This time, the ease was a lot better. During Christmas she didn't have her crib for three days so that might have helped.

She lines her babies all up on her bed and sometimes covers them up and she's right beside them. This is what she does when Im not beisde her helping her go to sleep. Last week we let Leia fall asleep with us then carry her to her room. This week she has been in her room while she falls asleep and Daddy or I will go and sleep in her bed and sneak out when we think she's sleeping. Twice she has went to sleep by herself with her babies. So this journey has been very good.
Her older sisters never stayed in their room so I always used the baby gate. Leia has been so good that I havent had to use the gate. She actually stays in bed!!! Well except for nap time, once I've used the gate. There is no more nap time. But she plays quitely. Goal- Take a picture while she is sleeping and a picture of her babies lined up. Coming