Hannah and Gabby will be starting Swimming Lessons April 7th.
And we know where we are going for our first Spring Break. Nickelodeon Universe at Kings Island. Hannah is tall enough do some of the family rides but Gabby is just barely over 40" which is perfect for Nickelodeon Universe. I remember last year going to the state fair was a struggle to find rides and the roller coaster at the zoo she was way too small that I had to go with her. Tarryl doesnt mind just as long he doesnt have to do anything too crazy. I guess he had a bad experience with a roller coaster. I told them if its okay for small kids it will be okay for him. lol
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Posted by Jessica at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Good Behavior
I got the great idea for Behavior charts on the last blog. It's a 6 week chart and at the end of the week they get a small reward, at the end of 6 weeks you get a toy! I like this idea bc It controls the toy purchasing and I can use it as leverage and bribery! I've never needed one bc my kids listened to me but lately it's been a struggle. Gabby has trouble cleaning her toys , she still has Hannah doing it. So this has many benefits! Small rewards consist of… Happy Meals, Bounce @ the mall - Its $1 for 5 minutes, and movie rental. SO they get to pick which one! That's a good start. I'm sure we can negotiate at the end of the week..
This came in good timing bc Hannah got her first yellow square at school today. Which means a 5 minute time out. She was talking too much. She was probably telling her friends the her mommy made her mad bc I wouldn't let her wear he Hello Kitty dress shoes this morning! They're alittle too big!
Posted by Jessica at 7:34 AM 0 comments
So I finally got my digital camera! It does everythig a big camera does but smaller and cuter! It takes movies and all kids of things! It awesome I get to share pics with family that lives far away and people I dont talk to on a monthly basis. I have a public album on aol if any one wants to look but most of them are on myspace. I just hate cropping pics to fit myspace, its a hassle! And I finally got a computer desk! Im so picky and working with a budget and amount of space makes things even more difficult but we finally got it. Whats amazing is that I looked high and low for a desk and where do I end up getting one at...Walmart! Ofcourse. It was simple to put together, perfect for the space and low on the price! Anyway. Life is good. Between the family we were sick for 2 weeks but all better now. Leia got all of her big teeth in, top and bottom, while being sick! Gabby is getting more independence and being more stubborn, and I have to be more patient and talk things out . With Hannah I only had to say things one time. Gabby I have to repeat myself 4 times to calm her down. ANd there going through greedy stage, where they want everything. I've created monsters and im losing control! Sounds like I'm talking bad about my kids! But they're still good I just need to fine tune come trouble spots! lol I think Im going to do a chart for being good, instead of giving things and going out places. Like they love going to Applebee's and Red Lobster. They have to earn that from now on. Anyone else like that idea???? More about my kids, I signed them up for the Soccer in the Spring. I think they start the end of March, Gabby is so excited to do what Hannah did last year. I'm looking into a dance classes for the summer but they haven't posted summer dates and prices so I'll talk about that later! So for awhile we was thinking about getting a house but that has changed. Were staying here. They aren't going to raise the prices just yet.. They probably will in August...lol It was just an idea!
SO what have I been doing besides taking care of my sick family...well nothing. Calling Headstart to see if Gabby can go to school next year, scheduling doctor visits, cleaning, got my nails done a couple of times! Thats about it. Getting the kids spring clothes which I always look forward doing and the kids know it! I wanted to do something special for my husband by getting him some Gap shirts and a pair of pants but he hasnt bought himself clothes in such a long time that it feels foreign! Tarryl likes his dvd's! Tuesday is his favorite day!
The new pictures are from Takoda's 3rd Birthday party! Kimmy filled a pinata full of candy, beads, sticky lizards, and some more stuff! My kids loved it! I love seeing little people grow up...it's so amazing!
Posted by Jessica at 7:33 AM 0 comments
I took Hannah to her Daisy meeting tonight and it was a blast. We had so much fun and People actually showed up, I didnt count but we had to hav had atleast 10 girls there. Hannah had a great time and socailizing with other moms was kinda cool. I guess being a SAHM...ya that would be cool. lol She will be giving her valentines presents to the nursing home next friday with her group. And sometime in March they will be going skating. I wondered doing this Daisy thing would benefit Hannah in some way, but making friends out of school, or another activity, I guess thats a plus. Growing up, I never heard, what moms say bc my mom wasnt around, SO Im feeling like am I doing the right thing by putting Hannah in these activites bc I wasnt in any. But Im glad we went and a BIG plus is our troop leader said she will be sticking with our group as they get older, So we will hav her forever I guess!
I finally got my pictures developed from all the way back from July...I went to get them and I said my last name and the woman said, "I remember you, you hav 10 of them, I did them all" That was funny. I got some really good pics of the kids and my friends and me and my husband, and all the events that happened...Its nice to look back on them and think , O ya, that happened! ***So don't be surprise if I wait long but I dont see that happening since walmart is 2 minutes away and I should be getting a digital soon..I hope!
Posted by Jessica at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Okay so I got Hannah those shoes right? Well they are alittle on the small side but size 1 was way too big and they don't come in half sizes. SO after she takes her school pictures (full body pose) I hav to take them back and find something else.
-We didn't go to the Daisy meeting bc of the snow snorm that was suppose to happen . Then this morning I look online at some of my bank transactions and Finish Line charged me twice so I'm out $72 till sometimes next week. Hopefully the manager can fix it. I talked to her this morning and she said the same thing. And I hope our family pictures turn out great bc I really need these, we havent done family pics since Gab was a baby.
Guess What! Hannah is going to her very first, someone else's house sleepover. I'm frantic about this. This is why I am getting gray hair. If I waited to hav children 10 yrs later, gray hair would be normal! Anyway I tell all the do's and don't s and made sure she knows the phone number. But I don't think I will be getting much sleep tonight. But the good thing is when I'm stressed , my house looks really clean. Any advice?????
Posted by Jessica at 7:32 AM 0 comments
So I take Gabrielle to the doctor to get her tonsils looked at yesterday and she said Gabrielle has strep throat. For one Im thinking she hasnt been sick well over a month for her to test positive for that. Anyway Im still going to give her the antibiotic, even though my insticts might be right. Unless I take her to one of those minute clinics. BTW the reason why I took Gab to the doctor bc her endocrinologist suggested it. Gab has always had large tonsils, she burps like a man..lol (I thought that was a normal 4 yr old..lol) Its fun when you learn how to get on ur parents nerves) And she snores like one too!
Today I got Hannah new shoes bc she has another picture day next week and I wanted her to have new one to show off. I got the new Pastry shoes by Phat Pharm...I've been watching them for awhile and they are in high demand so I thought for sure that they would be sold out. I got lucky today!
I want some for myself! We are also getting our family pics done this friday, I've scheduled it before but I think somone was sick or I got lazy..who knows!! Tomorrow is Girl Scout -Daisy meeting day and I hope more kids show up!
Posted by Jessica at 7:30 AM 0 comments
SO yesterday we went to the Endocrinologist and everything is right on schedule. Gabrielle is a normal growing 4 y/o. She got her blood drawn yesterday to check her thyroid levels. The task to get it done was another story...She completely freaked out and she is so strong next time Im going to hav another person help me to hold her arm. We went to the New Walmart and it's literally in my backyard it's so close. It's so nice. Extremely Busy but Im hoping the that will fade, bc those lines were crazy! It's really nice to hav a walmart near by instead of driving more than 20 minutes to go shopping then do the lines and back home, thats our normal 2 hr trip and now its cut in half...What will I do with all that time!? lol OOO I know more Laundry! WOO HOO! What sucks about the walmart is that I was hoping it would hav a Picture Studio, But it doesnt...Instead it has a Eyebrow threading place... Wow Im wondering which will make more money..hmmm! Anyway That still means I hav to go to the Super Target in Carmel to get the pics done bc my Target and Meijer doesnt have a Picture Studio....I think the only thing close is JC Penny. SO My baby is teething ...and very grumpy today!
Posted by Jessica at 7:30 AM 0 comments
some new stuff
So I made that meatloaf last night and it was alright...nothing to brag about. The bread at the bottom of the pan work but made the meat like it didnt get done like i liked it to so I cook for 30 more minute and before I decided that i was going to throw it out -my husband decided to cook it longer. I didnt do the cheese sauce on top, I thought that was to much work for a stupid meatloaf...lol I wont be doing that one again. Atleast I tried right? :)
So anything new for the month of January, well not really Tarryl is still working lots of overtime, which is fine and all but Im trying to make our evenings alittle more relaxed or eventful. Going to the Library last monday, they played puzzles and read books with daddy and they had lots of fun doing that, more fun than doing it at home. I meet some new mommies also that night.
Leia is talking all kinds of words right now. Ofcourse some of it I can only understand but its so darn cute! She is so tall that she wears 24months clothes/sleepers. Gabrielle has grown alot this year. Last yr she was still wearing a 3T and in the spring I started buying her 4T shirts and now they are short on her. She has her Endrocrinolgy Appointment tomorrow so I will let everyone know how well that goes. For those who dont know she has a low thyroid which effects her weight and growth among others things. Hannah, she is doing awesome. She now thinks shopping is apart of her weekend plans. and she know that I look at our favorite store online to see if they got any new stuff in, the Children's Place, so she ask me to see it when Im online now and tells me what she wants now..she's funny!
So I have a couple of personal goals to achieve in Febuary and I will get them done..I will, I WILL, I tell ya!!! lol They will get done! One is a new one that my husbad suggested, I should become a registered and licensed child care home that way I can be in the database incase someone needs a babysitter. I thought that was brillant...why didnt I think of that.
These are just random things to talk about....Thanks to kimmy I hav a new love for Dots....Let me tell ya...I hate patterns, florals, stripes, that included dots, But now they are everywhere. I love Dots. They are so youthful..lol SO I got a new comforter set the has pink and green polkadots and some stripes for the girls room. Very cute. O and also thanks to kimmy I check CraigsList often...why I dont know but I did get a cute rocking pony that makes sounds for $10. My kids love it!
Posted by Jessica at 7:28 AM 0 comments
2007 Memories
It was great reading the 2006 memories I thought I would do it again for 2007.
1. I think I start every year saying I will lose weight but I havent made that commitment. If I see chocolate, hands down I want it! So this yr Im just going to move my butt more. More outdoor activities!
2. The Spring of 2007 Made our first major furniture purchase...Our Queen size bed.
3. Summer* We went to the pool a couple of times, celebrated Leia's first birthday, that was fun! Tarryl worked alot of overtime to accomadate my spending habits! Hannah started school! Got on the school bus for the first time! Hannah made a friend outside the home! We finally got cable!
4. Fall* Hannah joined her soccer team for the first time...lost all the games i think but it was fun to watch my baby play sports! September I lost my best friend of 13 years from complication to Cystic Fibrosis. October we had no money bc a company change. November he lost his insurance benefits. Also in Nov. the new company took over and gave everyone a good starting wage salary and a raise. Went to Washington D.C. for Thanksgiving.
5. December* I turned 25. I know 25, I cant believe myself! Hannah joined Girl Scouts.
I enjoyed hanging out with Kimmy more and her family coming over. Hillary moved far away. Tarryl worked really hard this year. Alot of weekends we didnt do anything bc he was gone. Tarryl and I went out more this year. We ate out alot...sad to say but we did. I even got my nails and feet done which hardly ever happens! I think Overall, it was a great year. The new thing that I tell myself is..what will I regret not doing? I need to have more fun, and go out more, and see new things, talk to new people. I think I hav enojoyed this year bc I wasnt in my sheltered everyday box.
Posted by Jessica at 7:25 AM 0 comments