Saturday, March 1, 2008


SO yesterday we went to the Endocrinologist and everything is right on schedule. Gabrielle is a normal growing 4 y/o. She got her blood drawn yesterday to check her thyroid levels. The task to get it done was another story...She completely freaked out and she is so strong next time Im going to hav another person help me to hold her arm. We went to the New Walmart and it's literally in my backyard it's so close. It's so nice. Extremely Busy but Im hoping the that will fade, bc those lines were crazy! It's really nice to hav a walmart near by instead of driving more than 20 minutes to go shopping then do the lines and back home, thats our normal 2 hr trip and now its cut in half...What will I do with all that time!? lol OOO I know more Laundry! WOO HOO! What sucks about the walmart is that I was hoping it would hav a Picture Studio, But it doesnt...Instead it has a Eyebrow threading place... Wow Im wondering which will make more money..hmmm! Anyway That still means I hav to go to the Super Target in Carmel to get the pics done bc my Target and Meijer doesnt have a Picture Studio....I think the only thing close is JC Penny. SO My baby is teething ...and very grumpy today!